Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | All Heaven Declares(OS005)(CS010).pro

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All Heaven Declares(OS005)(CS010).pro
Orig Key: A | New Key:

Title: All Heaven Declares(OS005)(CS010)

Subtitle: Key=A

A2  E        D2     Esus
All heaven declares,
                 D     A
The glory of the risen Lord.
    A2     D   E
Who can compare,
                D      A
With the beauty of the Lord.
 A2                  D2 E
Forever He(You) will be,
                     A      E/G# F#m
The Lamb upon the throne.       
                   D2   E7sus
I gladly bow the knee,  
                       A     D A
And worship Him(You) alone.    
A2 E       D2    Esus
I  will proclaim,
                 D     A
The glory of the risen Lord.
    A2       D    E
Who once was slain,
             D      A
To reconcile man to God.

Key: A